When Taking Homeopathy Medicine (Treatment), What to Eat And What to Avoid

What to eat? What to avoid?


Does homeopathic treatment require refraining from eating some food articles?  What foods to avoid while taking homeopathic medicine? Especially coffee, tea, mint, garlic, onion, alcohol? 


This is a common question and there goes a myth with it at times.


Going a little in the background will help to understand this better. Homeopathic medicines are essentially taken by mouth, and the pills or globules get absorbed in the oral cavity.


Though we do not still know the exact mechanism of how it works, we believe the medicines get absorbed in the oral mucosa. Since the medicine gets absorbed and acts from the mouth, it is suggested that the mouth should be clean from strong food articles, tastes, and fragrances.


Since coffee, onion, garlic, and mint have a strong odor, it was suggested that they are better avoided during homeopathic treatment.


Our experience says that the above-stated articles may be consumed if you are on the homeopathic regimen, provided you keep a gap of about half an hour between the intake of medicine and such food articles; not hampering the action of the medicine.


We have observed and documented that if such discipline is observed, the homeopathic medicines do work; without banning those food articles.


There may be some food restrictions because of one illness such as high blood pressure (to avoid salt), gastritis (to avoid spicy food), Hepatitis C (to avoid deep-fried food); and because of their effect on the homeopathic medicines. (For private circulation only. For the use of patients at Life Force. Copyright © 2005 - 2011, Dr. Rajesh Shah. All rights reserved.)


Any particular food article may not be considered as ‘good' or ‘bad' for everyone. There are disease-related circumstances, which determine if or not a particular food article is good, for the patient at a given time.

It should be noted that the list of foods to avoid for a particular disease may vary with each and every patient. While some common foods are mentioned that need to be refrained from, however, individual responses may vary. The foods that may cause negative impacts in a few individuals may not have the same effects on others. So, the individualized nature of dietary considerations and how what's beneficial or detrimental can vary from person to person.

Here are some broad suggestions:

  • For Skin Disorders
  • For Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • For Urinary System Disorders
  • For Patients With Hypertension
  • For Patients With Diabetes
  • For Nephrotic Syndrome
  • For Ulcerative Colitis


Respiratory disorders (Acute or recurring cough, cold, Asthma, etc.)

  • Avoid chilled drinks, chilled water, ice cream if one is sensitive
  • Avoid chilled drinks, chilled water, ice cream if one is sensitive
  • Any food substance known to aggravate the above conditions in the past may better be avoided
  • Avoid smoking


Skin disorders:

General foods to avoid for skin diseases:

  • Avoidance of spicy food helps control itching and burning
  • Artificially flavored food be better avoided
  • Avoid non-vegetarian food as much as possible


For Vitiligo:

  • Unripe fruits, sour fruits, sour curds, anything excessively sour
  • Fish and marine food products
  • Avoid artificially flavored and colored food articles such as aerated drinks, junk food


For Urticaria:

  • Avoid known irritants and allergens
  • The known irritants and could be identified by individuals, as they may differ from patient to patient. Also, they can be identified by allergy tests.
  • Avoid spicy and pungent food articles
  • Artificially treated food


For Psoriasis:

  • Avoid spicy and pungent food articles
  • Artificially flavored food
  • Avoid gluten-containing food: Gluten, a protein present in wheat, barley, rye, etc., provides elasticity to dough. For individuals with psoriasis, adopting a gluten-free diet—eschewing wheat, barley, etc.—can often provide relief. Gluten is believed to act as a contributing factor in the persistence of Psoriasis symptoms, and some patients experience exacerbation of symptoms after consuming gluten-containing foods. It is important to note, though, that not all psoriasis patients experience relief from symptoms after eliminating gluten from their diet.
  • Avoid red meat: Red meat and beef have been identified as exacerbating factors for psoriasis. Instead, opt for lean meats like chicken, avoiding organ meats. Incorporating fish, particularly salmon, into your diet is beneficial. Aim to consume fish once a week. Red meat is known to induce inflammation in the body, which can worsen psoriasis symptoms. Psoriasis patients must minimize inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can contribute to the condition's severity.
  • Avoid whites: White sugar, white rice, and white flour i.e. refined flour or Maida should be avoided in psoriasis. The refined carbohydrates present in pasta and white breads can lead to sugar spikes and promote inflammatory reactions in the body.
  • Avoid Monosodium glutamate, (MSG): This content is found in processed foods a flavor enhancer, in Chinese preparations, and in some pickles. MSG is known to aggravate psoriasis. So patients with psoriasis should avoid eating Chinese, processed snacks, etc.
  • Avoid yeast: Food containing Yeast like bread, pizzas, and burgers should be avoided as yeast is added to the above things to make them soft and fluffy. Yeast is known to aggravate psoriasis.
  • Avoid tomatoes, potatoes & eggplants: Cooked is fine, raw tomatoes should be avoided. Solanine a compound present in tomatoes may increase the inflammation, thereby increasing symptoms of redness, scaling, and itching in patients with Psoriasis. Also, some other nightshade vegetables like eggplants and potatoes contain solanine which intensifies the inflammation in some Psoriasis patients.
  • Caffeine: As per some studies people taking excessive tea and coffee are known to develop psoriasis. So caffeine intake should be limited. It stimulates the release of cortisol, a stress hormone that worsens inflammation and causes Psoriasis flare-ups. Also, caffeine upsets the sleep pattern and disturbed sleep has an impact on skin health and overall immunity.
  • Avoid fried, oily, seasoned, artificial flavored foods.
  • Avoid sweets: Refined sugar increases the inflammation in the body and contributes to exacerbating the symptoms of Psoriasis.


For Gastrointestinal disorders (Gastritis, Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, fissure-in-ano, piles, etc)

  • Avoid spicy and pungent food articles
  • Avoid tobacco, paan-masala, gutka, supari, smoking, etc.
  • Avoid deep-fried food, oily and junk food
  • Avoid irregular food habits
  • Avoid alcohol, beer, aerated drinks


For Urinary system disorders (Recurrent infections, renal stones, etc )

  • Avoid eating vegetables and fruits like tomatoes, brinjal, etc
  • Avoid alcohol, beer, aerated drinks
  • Avoid artificially treated food
  • Avoid red meat


For patients with hypertension:

  • Avoid eating salty food like wafers, pickles, papad, salted snacks
  • Avoid eating deep-fried and oily food
  • Avoid alcohol, beer, aerated drinks


For patients with diabetes:

  • Avoid sugar and sweets
  • Avoid fruits like mangoes and Chikoo
  • Avoid deep-fried, oily food; avoid irregular and heavy meals
  • Avoid aerated drinks


For Nephrotic Syndrome:

General Guidelines:

  • The main aim of nutritional management of Nephrotic syndrome is to replace protein loss by having an adequate intake of proteins. However high intake of protein must be avoided to prevent any tubular damage to the kidneys caused by the filtering of the excess proteins.
  • Sodium intake in the diet should be low.
  • Fat intake should also be reduced.
  • Fluid intake should be restricted as per the physician's advice.


Foods that can be taken:

  • Cow's milk, skimmed milk
  • Yogurt
  • Wheat, cereals, sprouts, pulses, and legumes such as tur dal, moong dal, rajmah, chana, lentils(masoor), etc.
  • Eggs, fish, dry fish, chicken, lean meat, etc.
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Soups, sauces, chocolate drinks, juices, etc (but with low sodium content)
  • Wafers, popcorn, and chutneys are prepared with less salt.
  • Moderate to low intake of vegetable oils, butter, and mayonnaise.
  • Noodles, spaghetti, pancakes, etc (low in salt)


Foods to be avoided in nephrotic syndrome:

  • Excess of protein should be avoided because a very high protein diet may cause tubular damage to the kidneys as the kidneys will have to filter more of the proteins. But moderate protein intake (about 1 gm/kg body weight) is mandatory to compensate for the protein loss in the urine.
  • The high amount of fats should be avoided as the cholesterol and triglyceride levels tend to be high in patients with Nephrotic syndrome. The diet must be high in calories so as to conserve proteins, yet low in fats. Excess of oily food and saturated fats (ghee, margarine, etc) should be avoided.
  • Sodium in the diet should be minimal so as to prevent fluid accumulation and edema. The foods that are high in sodium content and thereby should be avoided are:

1. Salted wafers, popcorn, salted biscuits, snacks, chips, etc

2. Papads - all varieties

3. Salted pickles, chutneys, curry powder - commercial preparations

4. Commercial salad dressings and sauces. Soup cubes

5. Bakery products, bread, biscuits

6. Salted cashew nuts, pistachio, walnuts, peanuts

7. Commercial cheese, preservative-containing foods, noodle mixes, pasta

8. Salted or canned meat

9. Foods containing baking soda and Ajinomoto


For Ulcerative Colitis:

Diet when the patient is relatively symptom-free:

The basic dietary principles for UC are no different from those for the general population. Carbohydrates (rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, breakfast cereals, etc), proteins (pulses, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, etc.), vegetables, and fruits form the main part of the diet. Protein foods are essential for growth and repair and also provide iron - these should be taken in adequate quantities. Fat intake must be moderate because an excess of fat intake may cause wind and diarrhea.


Dairy foods, which provide calcium and protein, should be taken in adequate amounts provided they don't cause any problems (such as diarrhea and wind) to the patient.

Usually, small amounts of milk, for example in tea or coffee, do not cause any problems. Dairy products such as butter, cheese, and yogurt are also well tolerated. If milk is excluded, it should be replaced with low lactose milk or with Soya milk. This should be discussed with a dietician to ensure that the nutritional balance is maintained.


Beer or other alcoholic drinks, excess fruit or fruit juice, onions, and spicy foods aggravate the symptoms in some patients and hence these are better avoided.

Constipation is often associated with distal colitis and may aggravate the condition; therefore, it is important to eat sufficient fiber in the diet in order to prevent this. However, if dietary fiber cannot be tolerated without unpleasant symptoms, a bulking agent is advised instead (e.g. Methylcellulose, Fybogel or Normacol), with increased fluid intake to soften and regulate the motions.


Certain things to avoid in UC:

  • Processed foods (i.e. foods containing preservatives)
  • High intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Excess of spicy foods
  • High-fat and deep-fried foods
  • Alcohol, beer, and aerated water


Diet during the acute phase of UC:

An inflamed large intestine may not be able to reabsorb sufficient water or salt from the bowel and this can result in the passing a large volume of diarrhea or semi-solid stool. Fluids need to be replaced during bouts of diarrhea and vomiting to prevent dehydration. Usually, this can be achieved by drinking more liquid but in severe cases, a solution of salt and glucose in water may be prescribed to improve absorption.


During a relapse, high-fiber foods such as wholemeal bread, high-fiber breakfast cereals, dried fruit and pulses, beans, lentils, peas, and sprouts, may make diarrhea worse. Reducing fiber may help reduce bowel movements. When symptoms improve, fiber can be gradually reintroduced back into the diet to the level that is tolerated. Those who suffer from constipation or who are troubled by passing hard stools need to maintain an adequate level of fiber in their diet. Bulking agents, stool softeners, or osmotic laxatives may be helpful.


When the intestine is inflamed its capacity to absorb fat is impaired and even a moderate amount of fat in the diet may cause wind and diarrhea. Restricting high-fat foods may help. However, it is important to replace these foods with carbohydrate- and protein-rich foods to prevent weight loss.


Protein loss can occur from leakage of the damaged intestinal lining. If this lining bleeds there is a risk of becoming deficient in iron which can lead to anemia. A nutritious diet, high in calories and protein, is then needed to replace lost energy and nutrients.


In active inflammation, certain vitamins and minerals may be lost from the body. Supplements of multivitamins and iron tablets may help. A high intake of fluids and foods rich in magnesium and vitamin C may lower the risk of relapse.


(Please contact our doctors for more information.)

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.