Speedy Relief From Chronic Gastritis Found With Homeopathy

Gastritis is a group of conditions in which the stomach lining is inflamed. Its causes include infection, injury, regular use of pain pills called NSAIDs, and excess alcohol. Globally, 50.8% of the population in developing countries suffer from gastritis.

A 44-year-old female homemaker, (PIN: 47276) visited Life Force Homeopathy’s Vashi clinic for the treatment of the Gastritis that she was suffering from since 2017.

Her chief complaints were a constant pain in the left hypochondriac radiating down occurring 6 to 7 times a day daily for 4 months. The pain would last for 15 to 20 minutes. She suffered from Covid 19, and, after COVID medicines, from October the frequency of her complaints increased. She also suffered from bloating of the abdomen, flatulence mainly after food, and retrosternal burning. Her diet included pickles, meat, fish, and sour food mostly. The patient had developed drug dependency. She was taking Tab Famtac (famotidine) 40 mg 1 tab twice daily for 1 year.



USG abdomen (7.01.22)

. Liver- normal in size diffuse     heterogeneous parenchymal  echotexture

. The gall bladder is distended and normal

. Bulky uterus with fluid collection within the endometrium cavity.

SGOT (05.01.22)

(normal 5-40 U/L)



 At Life Force Homeopathy, a detailed case-taking was done.

Dr. Rajesh. Shah studied the case thoroughly and then prescribed medicines to the patient. Diet correction tips were also recommended to the patient. Blood investigations were done.


On 8th March 2022, the patient was better. She experienced a marked reduction in pain intensity and frequency and even bloating. She took antacids 4 times a month.

On 16th April 2022, she was experiencing 50% better relief in the pain in the abdomen, retrosternal burning, and bloating

On 1st June 2022, the patient was overall better in relief from retrosternal burning. She experienced merely mild pain after eating spicy food and had to take Tab Famtac (famotidine) 40 mg 4 times /month,

On 15th July 2022, the patient experienced a 70% relief from pain frequency, bloating, and retrosternal burning. Merely 2 episodes of pain in the abdomen after eating spicy food had occurred. Now, she took Tab famotidine 40mg 2 times/month).

On 7th October 2022, the patient experienced abdominal pain and flatulence mostly after consuming spicy food. The relief from all her symptoms was better.

On 19th November 2022, the patient was 90% better. She had no complaints in the last month.


The case illustrates that Life Force’s homeopathy offers speedy relief for chronic gastritis and reduces the frequency of episodes and minimizes drug dependency on conventional medicines successfully and safely without any side effects.

  • Written by Dr. Deepa. Chandroth, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom).


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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.