Patient's testimonials at Life Force

E. M. S., Middlesex, UK

I have been feeling absolutely okay as the attacks have been minor, as now, I only take one tablet of tegretol 100 per day and I can bear the pain as it’s just like a little pinch at times, so the medicines are helping me a lot. 

S. Y. H.,TX, USA

Response to the medication has been good. No more pain since continuing the drug. Thank you for all your help!

Mrs. A. Panigrahi, Bhubaneswar, India

Dear Dr.Shah, Here is Mrs.Alaka Panigrahi from Bhubaneswar. My PIN is 10096. I am very grateful to you for your sincere medical advice rendered to me for my Trigeminal Neuralgia. I am very happy to inform you that I have stopped taking Mazetol. The neural pain has subsided completely. Your counseling played a great role. I am trying to follow the rules of life he had advised me. Till today I have tried not to miss a single dose of your medicine. Kindly advice the next course of action. With sincere thanks to you and the whole team of Life force. Regards, A. Panigrahi

T. D., Dumfrieshire, UKl

I am very happy with the sanguinaria 30 that I have been given for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Apart from one instance where the facial pain returned to a moderate degree for about two weeks, I have been completely pain free. This is amazing when you consider the very harsh winter we have been having. Neither the wind nor cold have affected my facial pain.

K. S. R., Andhra Pradesh, India

My trigeminal neuralgia is very well now. My pain has reduced to 30% and I am relieved from the pain, but still pain continues when exposed to water, air, when I work with right hand and when I put my head down. Earlier I was having pain from the jaw but now its from the ear and piercing pain (like electric shock) but anyhow the pain is not like earlier, it has reduced very much and hope it will completely vanish with your medicines. I have complete trust in you. Thank you.

M, Daughter of M.F., NJ, USA

Dr. Shah has brought an incredible change in my mother's life, since she started with the treatment. Her trigeminal neuralgia is 75% better. It has improved miraculously. Thank you Dr. Shah for making it possible to provide this unique treatment for Trigeminal neuralgia

S. S., India

My neuralgia improved drastically, with the medicines. It is unbelievable!! The pain has reduced considerably. I am able to lead a normal life. Thanks a ton Dr Shah!

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.