Patient's testimonials at Life Force

L. H., Woodside, South Australia

Since beginning the treatment I have had improvement in my pigmentation. Areas under my arms that were white, are now mottled/ freckled with color.

R. S., Father of A. R, VA, USA

All the other areas such as the patch on her upper torso, upper chest, middle chest and near her left eye have shown progress. Thank you so much. It is really encouraging to see it. I hope it continues.

R. K., Sultanate of Oman

After 8 months, I am so happy because your medicine is really so effective. On my neck there is no more white spot.

S. M., Father of V. A., NY, USA

The white spots he had, have completely disappeared now. He still has some sweating on his palms. (there is 80 % improvement in the sweating).

M. B., Father of A. S. B., Bristol, England

My son has not had any side effects with the medication and is in good health. He has responded well to the medication and improvement in his condition is clearly visible. His emotional state has improved and his diet, etc; is good.

A. H., Mother of A. A. H, PA, USA

Hello, my daughter has been repigmenting nicely over the past year. She has regained pigment throughout her body especially on her legs and back and face. Her hands are starting to repigment. I am very happy with the progress so far. She is excited about the results as well. Thanks again for all of your help.

H. A., Tunis, Tunisia

Thanks for all what you are doing. I am using the treatment for more than one year now and I found that the treatment gave me good results. There is a progress of the original color on my face and both hands and there is no new spot of vitiligo. I am happy with this result and I hope to see all my body cured.

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G M Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400089. India
Phone: +91-22-67978289
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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.