On 14th December 2012, Master S. S. visited Life Force along with his mother. He was 10 years old smart and intelligent boy. He was suffering from Lichen Planus since 6 months. In the initial stage, he was treated with local cortisone. It had taken 2 months for recovery with cortisone. At present there was post healed dark spots on legs, hands and few on chest and abdomen. Since the last 2 months, new active eruptions were appearing. He was presently applying cortisone cream since 2 weeks. His mother had also suffered from Lichen Planus. His father was suffering from high blood pressure.

His appetite was average with no specific liking. He dislikes spicy food. He would sweat profusely on the scalp. He was sensitive to warm temperature. He was obese. His bowel movements were satisfactory.
He had vivid nightmares like wars, blood and murder deaths. He would also dream of getting zero in exams and then mother throwing him out of the house. He would often dream of anaconda gulping him to death.
His family consisted of parents and elder sister. His father was working as vice president in the finance department of an esteemed engineering company of India. His mother had been a teacher before his birth.
His parents had difficulty conceiving and so they had adopted a baby girl. Within 3 months of adoption, his mother conceived and he was born. There was no discrimination in their bringing.
His sister was a 1-year elder to him. There was normal siblings relation between them.
He was confident, expressive and extrovert. He was excellent in studies and also extracurricular activities like dramatics and orating. He was scared of ugly images and nightmares. He would set goals and try to achieve them.
His maternal grandfather had diabetes and grandmother had asthma.
His case history was studied by Dr. Shah and he was prescribed Calcarea Carbonica 30c along with research-based molecules.
He visited for first follow up on 25th January 2013 with his mother. His new spots were increasing further and old spots were healing. There were new eruptions on legs, hands and buttocks since 1 month. There was itching in the new eruptions. He had a fall a few days back and his hand got fractured. He was prescribed Calcarea Carbonica 200c 2 doses along with research-based medicine.
He visited on 20th March for the second follow up with his mother. The appearance of new spots had decreased. the itching was less. The old spots were healing. The spots on legs, hands, and buttocks were healing.
For his third follow up he visited on 20th May and reported 50% – 60% improvement overall. All the spots were healing. There were no new spots. The itching was also decreased by 60%.
He called up on 2nd August for follow up and reported with overall 75% improvement. There was post healed dark spots on legs, hands, and buttocks. The itching was further less.
He visited on 13th December with complete recovery. There were no active spots. The old spots were healed with dark pigmentation which was gradually fading. His mother was elated with this cure and expressed her gratitude to Dr. Shah.
She thanked Dr Shah for curing her son's lichen planus.
Uploaded on 18th December 2013, by Dr. M.N.P.