Miraculous recovery in Urticaria

This is an interesting case about a teen age boy, Master S S, age thirteen years, Patient Identification Number - 25106, who visited Life Force, Chembur branch in March 2015. He presented with complaints of chronic Urticaria  since three months; wherein he would get rashes anywhere on the body especially when he consumed bread, milk, chicken or in case of change in weather. He would get the rash daily, but the duration of each episode would vary from 2 to six hours. Also, the intensity of redness and itching would be variable. He had a past history of a similar episode which improved with homeopathic treatment. They consulted the same homeopathic for this episode but there was no positive response and hence parents decided to consult Dr Shah. He did not have any other health issue. 

Physical Generals :
He had a mixed diet, with a specific craving for sweets (+3), chicken (+2) and eggs (+1). He had an average thirst. He had a generalized profuse perspiration which was non offensive. He was sensitive to heat in general. His bowel and bladder movements were quite regular.

Past History :
In the past, he had been operated for adenoids two years ago.

Family History :
His father suffered from Allergic rhinitis and acid peptic disease. His paternal grand father was a known case of Ishcaemic Heart Disease and diabetes mellitus .

Master S S was studying in 6th standard at the time he visited Life Force for the first time. He was the only child to his parents. His father worked for an IT company and mother was a home maker. 

He was a very talkative and active kid. He was emotionally very sensitive and would cry easily on being scolded. Although good in sports, his concentration was a bit low.

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After understanding his case in detail, Dr Shah examined him thoroughly and advised him to get his IgE tested which would show the intensity of hypersensitivity. He was prescribed Calcarea phos 30C and one of the research based medicines for Urticaria for two months. He was advised to avoid certain allergens which were triggering the allergy - eg chicken, egg, etc. 

Three days later, his father updated us with the IgE levels which were marginally high. His IgE was 126. Here is the copy of his reports.

His first follow up was due on 25th April 2015. He was better by 30%, with the intensity of the rash going down considerably. He could now eat chicken which was the triggering factor so far. The same medicines were repeated for 2 months.

In August 2015, his father reported that he was almost 90% better. There hardly appeared any rash on the body. He was kept on a very low maintaining dose of medicines to boost his immunity.

In the subsequent follow ups in November 2015, January 2016, February 2016, there was a consistent and a stable improvement. He did not have a single rash in the last six months. Parents insisted on continuing the treatment as the month of March in the previous year had caused problem. 

As per the last follow up give on 20th June 2016, he did not suffer from a single urticarial rash. He could eat chicken, bread, milk, which he couldn’t a year ago. 

Conclusion : Master S S was a foodie and the urticarial rashes  had been depriving him of his favorite food for quite some time. With homeopathic treatment at Life Force, not only did we stimulate his immune system, we also enabled him to have food of his choice and likes. His mother was really thankful to Dr Shah for such speedy and long lasting improvement.

Urticaria (Hives) usually occurs as an inflammatory reaction to certain allergens medicines, food, insect bites, stress, etc. It is an indication of a hypersensitive immune system which reacts to the slightest exposure to the triggering factor. Homeopathy offers research proven and effective treatment for Chronic and Recurrent Urticaria. It gives long lasting results due to the ability of homeopathic medicines to correct the hypersensitive immune system.

Case study written by Dr Amrita Utekar

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.