Migraine: What it is?
Migraine is a complex condition that causes severe throbbing pain or a discomforting pulsing sensation, most often on either side of the head. Migraine is characterized by recurrent attacks of headache with variable intensity, frequency, and duration of each attack.

Types Of Migraine:
Migraine is most prominently of two types.
Migraine with aura: Migraine with aura is also known as Classical Migraine. In this type, the attack is usually preceded by an aura (neurological symptoms) like visual disturbance, hemisensory symptoms, hemiparesis, or dysphasis. Visual aura is the most common. The aura usually develops over 5-20 minutes and lasts for less than 60 minutes. It is followed by a headache, nausea, and/or photophobia. The discomforting headache may last for 4 to 72 hours.
Migraine without aura: This is the most common variety and it occurs in about 90% of females with migraine. In this type, the headache occurs episodically and is not preceded by an aura. The headache may be caused due to an emotional state, such as stress, euphoria, or any strong light or odor. The headache builds up gradually and is mostly unilateral. The headache is often associated with nausea, vomiting, intolerance to food, or strong odors and light.
There are other variants of migraine which are not so common. They are as below.
- Basilar migraine
- Ophthalmoplegic migraine
- Retinal migraine
- Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine:
Migraine is mainly considered a psychosomatic illness. Psychosomatic means interaction between the ‘psych’ i.e. mind and ‘soma’ i.e. body, where the illness is aggravated by a mental factor. Mental stress due to anger, frustration, grief, etc. can act as a major triggering factor for migraine. Homeopathic medicines act on the ‘psych’ of the patient, thus reducing the ill-effects of the causative stress.

The homeopathic medicine is selected based on the similarity of the patient’s symptoms. The patient’s physical and mental constitution is taken into consideration and then the medicine is chosen.
Homeopathic treatment is very effective in treating migraine. The homeopathic remedies help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks. It also helps in gradually reducing the dose of conventional treatment.
Duration Of Treatment:
The duration of treatment depends on these factors.
- The duration of Migraine
- The frequency of Migraine episodes
- The severity of each attack
Depending on these factors, the duration of the treatment can last from 6 months to 2 years or longer.

A few homeopathic remedies for migraine are mentioned below.
- Belladonna
- Gelsemium
- Natrum mur
- Spigelia
- Iris Versicolor
- Glonoine
The brief indications for above mentioned homeopathic medicines for Migraine:
1) Belladona: Belladona is often prescribed for Migraines which come suddenly and intensely, sudden onset is an indication for the use of Belladona. The pain is intense, throbbing, and pulsating especially on the right side of the head. The face appears flushed and feels hot during the attack. There is a sensation of the head throbbing with each heartbeat with the sensation of fullness in the head. The headache is worsened by exposure to light, noise, or motion, the slightest movement or noise increases the pain. Some individuals may experience feverish symptoms during Migraine. The patient feels confused and delirium may be seen during episodes in some patients. The individuals feel restless and agitated during Migraine attacks.
2) Gelsemium: The onset of headache is gradual and develops over time. The headache starts at the base of the skull and then spreads forward to involve the whole head. There is the sensation of heaviness or dullness in the head. The Migraine is accompanied by dizziness or vertigo a tendency to sway or unsteadiness. The migraine is triggered by stress, anxiety, or anticipation of an upcoming event. The patient feels weak and tired during and after headache episodes. Some individuals experience chills and shivering during episodes. The characteristic indication for the prescription of this remedy is the relief of headaches from urination. There is a desire to be alone during Migraine episodes.
3) Natrum muriaticum: It is best suited to Migraines which are triggered after suppressed emotions, grief, and anger. The headaches are severe with throbbing, pulsating pain, especially in the forehead or temples. There is a sensation as if the head is being beaten by hammers. The headaches are also triggered after going in sunlight or worsened after a bright light. The patient does describe the sensation as if wearing a tight band or tightness or constriction around the head. They prefer to be alone and have cravings for salty foods and eating salty foods temporarily gives relief from headaches. The individuals who need Natrum muriaticum for Migraine are introverts who suppress their emotions and find it difficult to express their feelings.
4) Spigelia: The pain of Migraine is intense and stabbing pain, especially on the left side of the head. There is a sensation as if a nail or knife is being driven into the head. The pain radiates from the left side temple or eye to other parts of the head, face, and jaw. The pain extends from the back of the head or down into the neck. The pain is aggravated by movement, including turning the head bending the head, or even the slightest motion. The headaches are worse with pressure or touch such as brushing the hair or touching the scalp. The individuals are sensitive to noise and light particularly sunlight or bright artificial light. The headache is associated with eye symptoms such as pain behind the eyes or blurred vision. Some individuals may experience palpitations of fluttering in the heart with migraine episodes. The exposure to cold drafts may intensify the symptoms of migraine and applying firm pressure to the head or temples provides temporary relief.
5) Glonoine: The Migraines are sudden and with severe explosive throbbing, pulsating pain. There is a sensation as if the head might burst or be inflated. The headaches are worse with exposure to heat or hot weather, even a slight increase in temperature worsens the migraine symptoms. There is a feeling as if blood rushing towards the head with a feeling of fullness or congestion. The face appears red and flushed during the episode. The migraines are associated with nausea and vomiting. The physical and emotional excitement as well as exertion can exacerbate the migraine symptoms.
6) Iris versicolor: The individuals who benefit from Iris versicolor have headaches that are triggered by rich, fatty foods, alcohol, and chocolate. The migraines wherein the patients described pain as if the head is being split open or as if it were bursting. The headaches are preceded by visual disturbances such as flashing lights zigzag lines or temporary blindness. The headaches are relieved by lying down in a dark, quiet room.
Our Experience In Treating Migraine At Life Force:
At Life Force, we have been treating cases of Migraine for more than 30 years under the care of Dr. Rajesh Shah. We have carefully treated and documented various cases of Migraine. Unlike conventional treatment which mostly depends on analgesics, homeopathic treatment is focused on treating the symptoms and the disease at the root level. With our research-proven medicines, we have observed excellent results in cases of Migraine from all over the world.

Based on our significant experience, we strongly recommend homeopathy for the treatment of Migraine.
As per our experience of treating migraine cases at Life Force, we have observed that, with the help of homeopathic medicines, the frequency of attacks as well as the intensity of each attack is reduced. With homeopathy, the need for conventional treatment is also reduced.
The pain originates from the intra-tissues or peri-cranial tissues. The pain in migraine is associated with the extra-cranial vasodilatation and the aura is associated with the intracranial vasoconstriction.

Prevalence Of Migraine:
Migraine is more commonly found in females than in males with a Male to Female ratio of 1:3. A family history of migraine is found in 90% of sufferers. The prevalence of migraine attacks decreases with the advancing age.
Causes of Migraine:
- Genetic predisposition
- High levels of estrogen
- Lack of sleep
- Mental stress
- Strong odors
Symptoms Of Migraine:
Symptoms Of Migraine Without Aura: Migraine without aura is by far the more frequent type of vascular headache. The symptoms include moderate to severe head pain, pulsating quality, unilateral location, aggravation by walking the stairs or similar routine activity, and it is associated with nausea and/or vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia, and multiple attacks, each lasting 4 to 72 hours.
Symptoms Of Migraine With Aura: Headache is associated with characteristic premonitory sensory, motor, or visual symptoms. The majority of the sufferers have reported that visual symptoms are most common. The aura is followed by headache, nausea, and photophobia.

Diagnosis Of Migraine:
The diagnosis of migraine is made with the clinical symptoms, whether it’s with or without aura.
Treatment For Migraine:
Reassurance is important.
Avoid Triggers: Avoid known trigger factors, such as certain foodstuffs, habits, and tensions. Medications in use should be reviewed and modified as and when necessary. Oral contraceptives need to be discontinued if they are suspected of contributing to the headaches

Conventional Treatment For Migraine:
Conventional treatment for migraine includes various medicines. Some of them are listed below.
- Ergotamine derivatives
- Beta-blockers
- Sodium valproate
- Calcium channel blockers
- Tri-cyclic anti-depressants
Relate Disease:
- Cluster headache
- Sleeplessness
- Hypertension
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Anxiety neurosis
- Acidity
- Sinusitis