A 50 years old male patient Mr. P.G.S (Patient Identification Number: 17748) visited Life Force clinc on 15th December 2011 all the way from Orissa, for his complaints of Eczema.
He was suffering with Eczema on palms and soles since last 30 years. There had been remission periods but now since last 1 year it was increasing. He had taken conventional mode of treatment, steriodal treatment for the same with minimum relief.
The Eczema involved the palms and soles, there were cracks on finger tips and heels, with icthing, it would get more on using leather shoes.
He had no family history of any skin disease or of thyroid disorder. His thyroid levels were within normal range. His appetite was normal, he had special craving for chicken and aversion for spicy food. He had no complaints regarding his bowels and urine. He would tolerate both hot and cold climate.
He had a family business of Handloom sarees in Orissa. His wife would help him in looking after the shop. His son was suffering from Vitiligo and was taking treatment for the same from Life Force clinic. He belonged to a well to do family. Three were no any major stresses in his life.
Reading books was his hobby. He would easily get affected with the contents of the books and would try to implement those things in his life. All this would change his nature accordingly. But recently his concentration in reading has reduced, earlier he was a voracious reader.
His case was studied in detail by Dr. Rajesh Shah considering the long standing disease and understanding his nature and he was prescribed Lycopodium clavatum 30c along with research based medicines for eczema.
On 9th march 2012, his Eczema was 30% better. The itching was slightly better, but there were no new cracks after starting with the homeopathic medicines.

On 27th august 2012, his eczema was 75% better. His itching and the old cracks were better by 75%. The cracks on the palms and soles and finger tips were heeled now.
This patient has shown significant improvement in his disease with homeopathic medicines. The long standing eczema which has increased responded very well to the homeopathic medicines.
Uploaded on 26th Oct 2012 by Dr. KSW