A 43-year-old lady, Mrs. S.R. (patient identification number-12858) visited Life Force Center for the treatment of Eczema. She was suffering from eczema since last 13 years.
Her eczema was localized on the right foot which was seen as papulo-erythematous eruptions and hyper pigmented indurated patch around 3-4 cms in width. She had unbearable itching and the eczema was slowly spreading.
In addition to the eczema, she also had left sided migraine starting from upper eyelid and extending to occiput and neck. Her migraine was always aggravated before menses and during fast.
In medical history it was found that she took ayurvedic medicines for about 5 years with little effect. Fortunately she had used corticosteroids for only a week as the heavy dose did not suit her.

Emotionally she was very strong willed and responsible person. She lost her father at young age and had taken care of her three siblings. She was a compulsive worker, she could not sit idle. All these information proved important for prescription. Basically she was calm person but due to this long-standing disease she became very irritable, short tempered and anxious. She spoke very respectably with every one. Even with the assistant doctors, she spoke very politely.
She had marked desire for potatoes and pickles and aversion to sweets. Thermally she could not bear heat.
After studying the case in details Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed her our research based medicine along with her constitutional medicine.
At the 2 months follow up Mrs. S. R reported that her eczema had stopped spreading and no new lesions were seen. Her major complaint of itching was reduced by 40% and her headache had reduced substantially by around 60% in terms of frequency and intensity.
At the 4 months follow up Mrs. S. R reported that her eczema had reduced by 30% and itching had reduced by 80%. She was relaxed emotionally in terms of her anxiety and irritability. To her surprise her associated complaint of migraine which was not relieved by conventional medicines for so many years was better by more than 80 % in terms of frequency and intensity.
At the 6 months follow up Mrs. S. R reported that her eczema was better by 100%. The hyper-pigmented patch was completely better. Her itching and discomfort was completely better. Her migraine was better by 80%. She continued the medicines for migraine.
Uploaded on 29th August 2011 by Dr SNB