38 years old working-mother, Mrs. S. V. N. (Patient identification number - 21582) visited our clinic on 3rd September 2013. She was suffering from Eczema on right side of her abdomen since past 15 days. She had 3 small sporadic spots of eczema. She experienced mild itching. There was no redness or scaling. She had used some anti fungal cream. She was anxious about her complaints as she had seen her mother suffering from Psoriasis.
She had associate complaint of under active thyroid since past 20 years for which she was taking Tab. Eltroxin 150 mcg once a day. Her mother and elder sister were also suffering from underactive thyroid.
She had good appetite. She did not have any specific liking or disliking in food. Her thirst, bowel movements, urine, thirst and sleep was normal.

She was working in a private housing agency. Her husband was a graphic designer. Her son was studying in Std. 10.
She was anxious and irritable by nature. She had lot of anxiety about future. She used to vent out all the frustration on her son.
Dr. Shah prescribed her research based medication after studying her case in detail.
She visited on 25th October 2013. She was glad to report that her eczema had recovered completely.
There was no itching or redness.
She was satisfied with Dr. Shah’s effective treatment.
uploaded on 29 November 2013, by Dr.I.R.