Chalazion Homeopathy Treatment and its homeopathic Medicine without surgery

What Is Chalazion?

A chalazion is a gradually increasing, painless nodule or swelling on the upper or lower eyelid that appears due to the blockage of an oil gland (Meibomian gland).


The meibomian gland secretes oil. This oil along with tears lubricate the eyelids and protects the eyes.


What is Chalazion?


A chalazion may develop after a stye. A stye is nothing but an infection of the Meibomian gland (internal stye) or infection of the eyelash follicle or sweat gland (external stye). A stye is a painful condition, whereas chalazion is mostly painless.


A chalazion may disappear without any treatment but, in most patients, it tends to recur even after removing it surgically. Homeopathy can treat this tendency of recurrent stye or chalazion.

Homeopathic Treatment For Chalazion:

As per our experience at Life Force, homeopathy is highly effective and strongly recommended for treating chalazion.


How homeopathy can help in treating chalazion?

  • As homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on an individualized approach, they treat the chalazion from its root and remove the tendency of tumour formation and the tendency of recurrence.
  • Homeopathic medicines treat chalazion without any surgery.
  • Homeopathy also treats the tendency of stye formation, if the recurrent stye is the cause of the development of chalazion.
  • Homeopathic medicines improve immunity, promote healing, and prevent recurrent infections of eyelids.
  • Homeopathy for chalazion is safe and harmless without any toxic effects.
  • The duration of treatment varies from case to case depending on the duration of the suffering, the number of chalazia, the underlying cause, and the tendency of recurrence in a patient.


Homeopathy for Chalazion


What are the chances of recovery from Chalazion with homeopathy?

  • Excellent result: Homeopathy offers excellent results in cases with 2-3 styes or chalazia which are present for a few months.
  • Good result: Good recovery can be observed in the cases where chalazia are 3-10 in number or recurrent chalazia happen to occur for a couple of years.
  • Not-so-good result: One may find poor results in cases with very large, multiple, and hardened chalazia.


Commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines in chalazion:

Some of the commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for chalazion are Staphysagria, Pulsatilla, Kali Carb, Silicia, Calcarea fluoricum, Conium, Graphites, Mercurius Solubilis, etc. Self-medication is not advisable. Medicines need to be taken under the guidance of an expert homeopath.


Homeopathic treatment for chalazion


What happens in chalazion? (Pathogenesis)

Hard nodular swelling on the eyelids is known as a chalazion. Meibomian glands present in the eyelids secrete oil, which moisturizes the eyelids and protects the eyes. Infections of eyelids, recurrent inflammation of the eyelids, and recurrent styes lead to inflammation of the Meibomian gland (oil-secreting glands in eyelids) which causes blockage of the duct which drains the gland. The blockage of the duct leads to chronic enlargement of the gland resulting in a chalazion. It is nothing but granulomatous inflammation of the Meibomian gland. Chalazion mostly affects the upper eyelid, but it can affect the lower eyelid as well.


Prevalence Of Chalazion:

Chalazion affects both sexes equally. It can affect an individual of any age group. Adults are more affected than children due to chalazion.


Causes Of Chalazion:

1) Infections: Bacterial or viral infections affecting the eyelids or conjunctiva may, in turn, lead to chalazion. Poor hygiene and reduced immunity may lead to recurrent infections.

A chalazion may develop after a stye. A stye is an infection of oil glands or eyelash hair follicles. Recurrent infections may turn into recurrent and multiple chalazia.

2) Inflammation: Inflammatory conditions affecting the eyelids, such as chronic blepharitis, seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis affecting eyelids, acne, etc. may cause chalazion.

3) Use of cosmetics: Applying excess eye makeup may block the oil glands leading to chalazion.

4) Contact lenses: Prolonged use of contact lenses may lead to frequent inflammation or infection, which may trigger chalazion.



Causes of Chalazion


Symptoms Of Chalazion:

Commonly presenting symptoms of chalazion are listed here.

  • Painless, hard, nodular swelling on the upper or lower eyelid.
  • There may be a history of painful swelling of the eyelid (stye) before the development of chalazion.
  • Secondary infection may cause redness and pain in the affected eyelid.
  • Depending on its location, a chalazion can affect vision.


Diagnosis Of Chalazion:

A physician makes the diagnosis of chalazion after clinical evaluation and local examination.


Supportive Treatment (Diet, Lifestyle, and Exercises) For Chalazion:

Supportive measure for chalazion:

  •  Use warm compress as it helps to reduce the inflammation and may help to soften the hardened gland.
  •  Do not squeeze eyelid or chalazion. Do not rub your eyes.
  •  Gently massage the eyelids for a few minutes. It will help the ducts of the oil gland drain more effectively.
  •  Avoid wearing eye makeup and contact lenses until the chalazion gets better.
  •  Eat healthy food to boost your immunity.

Symptoms of Chalazion

If you are prone to getting recurrent eye infections or chalazion, here are a few tips to prevent it:

  •  Wash your hands before touching your eyes.
  •  Clean your contact lenses, and glasses properly before using them.
  •  Avoid eye makeup.
  •  Wash your eyes with cold water at least 2-3 times a day.


Conventional Treatment For Chalazion:

The most commonly practiced conventional treatment for chalazion is its surgical removal. A chalazion is likely to return after surgery due to its tendency to recurrence.

In some cases, medicines are prescribed to control the infection and some medicines are given to reduce the inflammation.


Our Experience In Treating Chalazion At Life Force:

Dr. Rajesh Shah’s rich experience, expertise, and well-designed protocol for treating various chronic diseases have helped many patients all across the world. Patients from over 180 countries are under the direct care of Dr. Shah. After treating hundreds of cases at Life Force, we can say that homeopathic treatment is highly effective and safe in different presentations of chalazion.

Chalazion Treatment

As chalazion tends to recur, surgery cannot be the ultimate solution. The tendency of tumour or mass formation has to be removed. Homeopathic medicines, with their amazing power of healing, treat the disease at the root and remove the tendency of recurrent stye and chalazion. After using homeopathic medicines, one can avoid surgery for chalazion and save the eyelid from the knife.


Here are indications of above mentioned Homeopathic medicines for Chalazion:

  1. Staphysagria: This homeopathic medicine for Chalazion is often used for conditions related to suppressed emotions, especially suppressed anger, indignation, and resentment. In cases where Chalazion develops due to emotional stress or suppressed feelings, Staphysagria may be indicated. The symptoms are worse when there is an inability to express oneself adequately. Staphysagria individuals tend to be emotionally sensitive, easily hurt, and prone to hold their emotions.
  2. Pulsatilla nigricans: Pulsatilla is commonly prescribed when the Chalazion is associated with thick, bland yellowish or greenish discharges from the eyes. Pulsatilla is often prescribed for highly sensitive, mild, gentle and individuals who are weepy, and seek comfort, they feel better consolation. It's often used for eye conditions accompanied by a thick, bland discharge. If Chalazion is associated with mild inflammation and discomfort, Pulsatilla might be considered. They find relief with cold compresses or cold applications or going into the open air. The symptoms of Chalazion may get worse in warm, stuffy rooms.
  3. Kali carbonicum: Kali carbonicum can be considered when the Chalazion presents as hard, glandular swelling in the eyelid, and may feel hard or stony to touch. The development of Chalazion is slow and feels cold to the touch. The discharge from the eyes is thick, yellow, or yellow-green, especially acrid or burning. The symptoms of Chalazion are worse at night which disturbs the sleep. If the complaints of Chalazion are more painful or uncomfortable in the evening or night, Kali carbonicum is the best remedy indicated.
  4. Silicea terra: If Chalazion is associated with a tendency for suppuration (pus formation) and delayed healing, wherein the Chalazion persists for a longer period without any signs of resolution Silicea may be considered. Also, it is indicated when one has a recurrence tendency of getting Chalazion. Silicea individuals are shy, timid by nature, and lack confidence.
  5. Calcarea flouricum: Calcarea flouricum is often indicated when the Chalazion tends to linger or has a tendency of recurrence. Chalazion is hard to touch or there is a nodular or calcified tissue sensation within the eyelid. Along with Chalazion, there is hardening or thickening of eyelids.
  6. Conium Maculatum (Conium): If the Chalazion has grown slowly without pain and causing much discomfort Conium is the best remedy indicated. The Chalazion presents with a painless lump or nodule in the eyelid.
  7. Graphitis: When Chalazion is associated with skin problems like dermatitis or eczema around eyelids Graphitis is indicated. The discharge from the eyes can be thick, honey-like, and sticky discharge tends to crust formation. The skin surrounding the eyelids is inflamed and sensitive to touch.
  8. Mercurius Solubilis (Merc Sol): It is the best remedy for Chalazion when associated with inflammatory symptoms like redness, swelling, heat, sensitivity to touch, and pus discharge from the affected area. The discharge is thick yellow-greenish. The affected eye is sensitive to touch and pressure. There is burning and stinging pain worse by warmth and relieved by cold applications.


Related Disease

  • Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Stye
  • Epithelial Inclusion Cyst
  • Sebaceous Carcinoma
  • Dacryoadenitis
  • Dacryocystitis
  • Eyelid Papilloma

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.