Mast. N.M.S (Patient Identification Number 5661) was brought to Life Force by his mother on 10th March 2012.
He was suffering from small, reddish eruptions almost all over his body, more on abdomen and back. He was getting those rashes since last 8-10 days. Itching was severe on affected areas. Itching was more after bath and at night. There was no history of fever. His mother had consulted local doctor who was of the opinion that it was chicken pox. So, his parents waited for a week, but the eruptions went on increasing.
His mother was treated successfully by Dr. Rajesh Shah for her Headache and recurrent Urinary Tract Infection. She had developed great faith in homeopathy and wanted to treat Mast. N.M.S under Dr. Rajesh Shah.

Mast. N.M S was a vegetarian with average appetite. He was fond of sweets. Thirst and bowel habits were normal. He would perspire profusely on neck. He would feel more comfortable in warm weather. Sleep was sometimes disturbed due to itching.
He had a family history of skin disease. His sister was suffering from Psoriasis.
Mast. N.M.S was a playful child. He would mix easily with others and would male friends easily. He liked to be in company. He was sincere and good in studies. In last 8-10 days, he had become more irritable due to itching. He was restless; would never sit at one place for long time. He was curious and would like to learn new things. He was affectionate.
Dr. Rajesh Shah examined him and studied his case in detail. He had been prescribed constitutional medicine along with research based homeopathic medicines. On 10th April, his mother reported his feedback. There was 20-30% improvement in his skin eruptions. Itching was reduced by 20-30%. There were hypopigmented spots around the reddish eruptions. His mother was worried about the hypopigmented spots. His follow up was studied and medicines were upgraded.

In next one month, there was almost 50% improvement in his Lichen Planus. Itching was better by 50%. He could sleep peacefully at night. Hypopigmented spots started fading. There were no new eruptions. He had been advised to continue the treatment.
He responded very well to the treatment. On 10th June 2012, his mother reported 80% improvement in his skin complaints. Itching had almost stopped. Redness was reduced. In next one month, he was completely recovered from his Lichen Planus. Hypopigmented spots were also faded. His skin was completely clear. His parents were very happy and satisfied with the treatment.