Mrs. R.A., age 45 years, reported to us on 1st March 1994 with the complaint of Lichen Planus almost all over her body, except on the face and head, for one year. She had oral Lichen Planus six months prior to it for which she was treated with steroids and she had put on 10 kg. of weight, with several other side effects as well. Her case was evaluated in light of the following background:
She lives in England with her husband (who works with the Ministry), sons (14 and 8 years), daughter (6 years). She was working with a government organization as a secretary, where she was abruptly given a layoff, probably due to racial discrimination. She was compelled to fight in the law of court for over one year and eventually won the case. The entire situation induced the following emotions in her:
- Anger, which was expressed
- Sense of injustice
- Felt cheated
- Fear
- Sense of insult
During the stressful period, she developed oral Lichen Planus which was treated by cortisone and spread to other parts of the body.
Case analysis and evaluation:
It was appreciated that the patient was exposed to injustice and cheating. Her personality was understood to be one of self-esteem, with sensitivity to injustice. Her system reacted to the stress and the inner vital disturbance was manifested in the form of skin eruptions in the mouth (Lichen Planus).
This was a typical case of socialization of the psychological reaction where certain strong negative emotions precipitated the physical disorder of Lichen Planus. As understood in homeopathy, the treatment with cortisone was 'suppressive', which eventually led to the spread of disease on other parts of the body.
Other important aspects of her as a person were also incorporated, such as She is a kind-hearted, sympathetic and cheerful person. She loves wine and coffee. Her thirst is excessive and perspiration is less. Obese and flabby. During the phase of acute emotional stress, she also had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Her sleep is disturbed and fearful dreams. She has undergone a hysterectomy.
A homeopathic remedy called Causticum (a special preparation medicine form of potassium hydrate or caustic potash in a very minute dose) was selected on the basis of the patient's constitution.
Causticum is a homeopathic remedy that is meant for individuals sensitive to injustice and has a great fighting spirit. This remedy has action on the skin where it can check eruptions like Lichen Planus.
The patient was treated for over seven months with complete recovery of the Lichen Planus and no remission till the date.