Homeopathic Treatment for Prostatitis and Prostate enlargement (BPH, BEP)
Before we know what Prostatitis is, we should know which organ it affects, where that organ is located, and what its functions are, as many people are not completely aware of this information.

The prostate is a crucial part of the male reproductive system. It is approximately the size of a walnut and weighs around 15-25 grams. You will find this organ below your urinary bladder and in front of your rectum (part of the intestine). The prostate surrounds a part of the urethra. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder for excretion through the penis.
Function Of Prostate Gland
The prostate gland secretes some fluid into the urethra called prostatic fluid. Prostatic fluid, other fluids from other glands, and sperms from the testicle together form the Semen. Semen is ejaculated from the penile urethra into a female vagina during the male orgasm (climax).
What Is Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland.

As the prostate surrounds the upper portion of the urethra, it can sometimes affect our ability to urinate. The location of the prostate gland is not a problem, but when it gets enlarged (Benign Prostate enlargement) or inflamed (Prostatitis), it can squeeze the urethra and cause difficulty in urination.
Types of Prostatitis:
Prostatitis can be an acute condition or chronic. The National Institute of Health provides the following classification of Prostatitis.
- Acute Bacterial Prostatitis: It is caused due to an infection in the prostate by bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella. It occurs suddenly and may present with flu-like symptoms. It is less common but it requires prompt treatment, as severe complications can arise if the infection spreads in the bloodstream (sepsis).
- Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis: It occurs due to recurrent bacterial infections of the prostate gland. Symptoms are less severe than acute prostatitis. Mild symptoms can be observed between the acute attacks or the patient may be symptom-free. However, it is a little difficult to treat it successfully.

- Chronic Prostatitis/ Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome/Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis: Most cases of prostatitis fall in this category. It can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory depending on the presence or absence of bacteria. The patient may experience the symptoms of prostatitis without any bacterial infection. Symptoms can come and go or remain chronically.
- Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis: This condition can be identified accidentally during infertility or prostate cancer treatment. The patient may not have any symptoms but shows the presence of infection-fighting cells (antibodies) in the semen/ Prostatic fluid.
Homeopathic Treatment For Prostatitis:
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that beliefs in stimulating our immune system so that it is capable of fighting the disease prevalent in the body.
Chronic Prostatitis and Recurring Prostatitis can be treated effectively with Homeopathy. The homeopathic treatment takes into account the genetic dispositions of the patient, his tendency towards certain diseases, his hormonal imbalances, the patient’s emotional and mental sphere, past medical history, family medical history, and his physical constitution while prescribing the medicines. This helps us to treat the disease from its root level and prevent further progress of the disease.

Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom) has been working on many chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases and chronic recurrent infections, since 1984. He has developed his research-based molecules based on his years of painstaking research. These molecules have international patents and are completely safe without any side effects. These medicines when used along with traditional homeopathic medicines provide fantastic results.
Homeopathic treatment for Prostatitis aims at reducing the intensity and frequency of recurrent prostatitis, providing relief in the symptoms, boosting the immunity of the patient, and treating the underlying cause if it lies within the scope of homeopathy.
Duration Of The Treatment:
The duration of homeopathic treatment for prostatitis depends on the following factors:
- The duration of the disease
- The underlying cause, in the case of infection, its severity, the use of drugs like antibiotics, and drug dependency.
- Physical health and nutrition of the patient
- Associated diseases, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, etc.
- The age of the patient
Our Experience In Treating Prostatitis At Life Force Homeopathy
At Life Force, we have been treating cases of Prostatitis for over 30 years, under the care of Dr. Rajesh Shah. We have carefully treated and documented many cases of Prostatitis and Benign Prostate Enlargement.

With homeopathy, we have observed substantial results in most cases of prostatitis where we were able to provide symptomatic relief and control the inflammation and infection of the prostate. Also, the future complications that can arise in prostatitis were prevented with homeopathic treatment. Based on our significant experience, we strongly recommend homeopathy for the treatment of Prostatitis.
Prevalence Of Prostatitis:
With a prevalence rate of almost 11% - 16%, prostatitis is a significant disease condition. More than 2 million consultations for prostatitis are done in the United States every year. Prostatitis generates a greater number of physician-visitings than that required for Benign Enlargement of Prostate or Prostate cancer. Up to 50% of men are affected by prostatitis some time in life. Thus, awareness regarding this health issue is very important for its prevention and right treatment.
Homeopathy And Constitutional Approach Towards Prostatitis:
In Homeopathic treatment for prostatitis, we aim at treating the person who is suffering from the disease rather than treating the diseased organ. We don’t believe in treating individual organs separately because all the organs, tissues, and cells in the human body are interlinked to each other. Thus, if we treat the patient as a whole entity and treat the disturbance at its root level then all the affections of individual organs will be treated. ‘Treat the patient, not the disease’ needs to be the motto.

In homeopathic treatment, along with the common symptoms of the disease, the minute details of the patient’s characteristics are also taken into consideration. Thus, we study the patient as a whole considering the different aspects of the patient. This is called the totalistic approach.
Constitutional Approach:
According to classical Homeopathic treatment, we believe in constitutional prescribing. No two individuals are the same and, therefore, no two individuals will experience the same disease in the same way. Every individual experiences the same disease in its unique ways and responds accordingly. Thus, this calls for an individual case study of every patient with prostatitis. There is no specific remedy for prostatitis which can be given to all patients with prostatitis. Homeopathic treatment is a customized treatment that should be planned according to the individual patient’s constitution.
Every case of prostatitis should be studied in detail taking into consideration the extent of the disease, age, physical constitution, other associated diseases, the emotional and mental sphere of the patient, and also his peculiar tendencies, psychological factors, personality patterns, and genetic dispositions.
Homeopathic Case Analysis For Prostatitis:
In homeopathic case analysis of prostatitis, the minute details of the patient are considered, such as the frequency of urination, the presence of burning or pain while urinating, PSA levels, triggering factors, aggravating and ameliorating modalities, etc. These symptoms are slightly similar in different patients though the modalities may differ significantly.
Along with this, other factors, such as food habits, likes and dislikes of the patient, sleeping patterns, family medical history, past medical history, and thermal attributes, are also taken into account while prescribing homeopathic medicine.
The past medical history and family medical history of the patient help us to understand the role of miasms and their dominance in the patient’s life.

Role Of Homeopathic Medicines:
After collecting all the required information, the data is analyzed carefully, evaluated based on its important details, and then finally the most suitable medicine is selected in the proper dose and prescribed to the patient. This is called Constitutional Medicine, and, when this is given in proper potency and dose, it helps to treat the disturbance at an inner and deeper level.
Homeopathic medicines help in treating prostatitis in the following ways:
- It reduces the inflammation of the prostate and its surrounding tissues and organs.
- The pain associated with prostatitis decreases slowly as the treatment proceeds.
- In the case of acute prostatitis, homeopathic medicines can be used instead of antibiotics in less severe cases.
- Also, in cases with resistant bacteria affected cases, homeopathic medicines can be useful. Homeopathic medicines don’t kill the bacteria rather they boost our immune system and immunity so that our body can fight and kill the bacteria all by itself.
- In the case of non-bacterial prostatitis, where the cause behind prostatitis is not clear, homeopathic treatment has a good scope compared to conventional treatment. In such cases, the cause appears to be allergic or autoimmune. Homeopathic medicines act at the level of the immune system and thus treat the disturbance in the immune system without any side effects. Thus, such cases can benefit a lot from homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic Medicines For Prostatitis:
There are more than 3000 medicines in Homeopathy. More than 20 medicines are mostly indicated in cases of prostatitis, however, it should be noted that there is no specific medicine for prostatitis which can be given to all. The ideal method of prescription is to study the constitution of the patient and prescribe accordingly.

Below are some common remedies that can be considered in the treatment of prostatitis.
Commonly Used Medicines For Prostatitis:
Sabal Serrulata
Kali Bichromiun
Apis Mellifica
Indications of the above mentioned homeopathic medicines for Prostatitis:
1) Sabal serrulata (Saw palmetto): Sabal Serrulata is one of the best medicines for prostatitis and enlarged prostate. It helps to improve the urinary symptoms associated with Prostatitis, such as urgency, urinary frequency, weak urine flow, and incomplete bladder emptying. The medicine does have anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce the inflammation in the prostate gland. It is a common homeopathic medicine given for prostate health and reduces the risk of prostatic enlargement.
2) Thuja occidentalis: In instances of prostatitis, Thuja occidentalis is recommended when there's a sudden, urgent need to urinate, prompting rapid trips to the restroom. Symptoms include urinary tract irritation, manifesting as a burning sensation during urination and a persistent urge to urinate. Patients may find it challenging to start urination, experience a weak urine stream, and feel as though their bladder isn't fully emptied. The discharge from the urethra tends to be thick and yellowish-green. Sharp, shooting pains in the prostate gland and surrounding areas are also indicative of Thuja. Emotional factors contribute to symptom aggravation, with individuals feeling anxious or emotionally constricted. Exposure to cold exacerbates prostatitis symptoms.
3) Kali Bichromicum (Potassium bichromate): Kali bich may be indicated when patients experience a burning sensation during urination, especially during the end of the urinary stream. There is a sudden, urgent need to urinate often a small amount of urine is passed each time. There is a thick, ropy, yellowish-green discharge from the urethra with prostatitis. The discharge is sticky and difficult to expel. There is irritation along the urethra, characterized by a sore, raw sensation or feeling of constriction during urination with the sensation of fullness or pressure in the bladder.
4) Causticum: Causticum is indicated for cases where there is paralysis or weakness of muscles of the bladder making it difficult to initiate urination and there is incomplete bladder emptying. Causticum is suited in cases where there is dribbling of urine or a weak urine stream despite a feeling of urgency. There is burning pain during urination accompanied by soreness or rawness in the urethra. It is indicated for cases of recurrent episodes of urinary symptoms and pelvic discomfort. They are highly emotional and tend to become easily moved to tears. They do experience anxiety and sadness alongside physical symptoms.
5) Lycopodium (Club moss): Individuals who need Lycopodium experience difficulty initiating urination with a weak urinary stream and sensation of incomplete evacuation of the bladder along with symptoms of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen and back which is better by urination. It is indicated when symptoms of Prostatitis worsen in warm environments or after exposure to heat. There is temporary relief in urinary complaints after passing urine. Lycopodium is suited for anxious individuals, especially before any event.
6) Cantharis (Spanish fly): Cantharis is well suited when there is an intense burning and cutting pain in the urinary tract and prostate gland and the patient often describes the sensation as if passing scalding urine, each drop of urine passed causing intense discomfort. The burning discomfort extends from the urethra to the bladder with the constant urge to pass urine with only a few drops of urine passed at a time. The symptoms of prostatitis are associated with blood in urine.
7) Apis Mellifica (Honeybee): Apis mellifica is beneficial for prostate inflammation with swelling and tenderness in the pelvic region. There is fluid retention in the pelvic area, Apis help to reduce swelling and promote the elimination of excess fluid, reducing discomfort and helping promote urinary function. The patients experience burning and stinging pain during urination. They find relief from burning and stinging pain by applying cold compresses or cold packs in the pelvic area.
Chronic or recurring cases of prostatitis show improvement with homeopathic treatment within 4 months. However, more chronic cases may require a longer duration of treatment.
Causes Of Prostatitis:
Different causes are responsible for different types of prostatitis. Find them below.
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis (ABP)
The causes of Acute Bacterial Prostatitis are listed below.
- Bacteria cause urinary tract infections, such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella. It can result from urine reflux into the urethra and its leakage into the prostate.
- A direct leak or lymphatic extension from the rectum/intestines (Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Serratia, Proteus species)
- Other bacteria like pseudomonas, etc.

Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis (CBP)
Sometimes bacteria remain in the prostate even after acute infection is relieved, and they can cause acute attacks off and on. This eventually leads to the development of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis.
The sources of bacteria can be prolonged use of catheters for draining urine, injury or trauma to the urinary system, and infections in other parts of the body.
Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis
- Vibrations of the prostate gland: Certain occupations, such as driving, riding a bike, etc. can subject the prostate gland to vibrations, thereby leading to its irritation and inflammation.
- Lifting heavy weights: When the bladder is full and we lift heavy weights, it can lead to reflux of urine into the urethra and thus into the prostate.
- Some abnormalities of the urethra: People with urethral stricture (narrowing of Urethra) exert pressure while urinating; this can affect the prostate and lead to discomforting symptoms.
Other Causes:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Sexually transmitted organisms, such as Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia Trachomatis, or HIV, can cause prostatitis if they invade the gland.
Risk Factors:
- A prior history of Prostatitis
- Diabetes mellitus
- Recent or recurrent urinary tract infections
- Structural or functional abnormality of the urinary system, such as urethral stricture, stone, tumor, etc.
- Suppressed immune system
- Unprotected anal or vaginal sex
- Sexually transmitted diseases

Symptoms Of Prostatitis:
Acute prostatitis is less common compared to chronic prostatitis, but its symptoms are quite severe. Symptoms of chronic prostatitis develop slowly and are less intense.
Symptoms of Acute Bacterial Prostatitis:
- Fever and chills
- Urinary symptoms: Painful urination, an increased frequency of urination, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and urgency to urinate often accompanied by bladder pain.
- Pain in the testicles, penis, and perineum (the area between the scrotum and rectum)
- Painful ejaculation
- General symptoms: A body ache, muscle pain, joint pain, and lower back pain
Symptoms of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis (CBP):
The symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatitis are a little similar to the symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis, but they vary greatly in intensity.
- Fever
- Urinary symptoms: Recurring urinary tract infections, pain or burning while urinating (Dysuria), urgent need to urinate, and excessive urination during the night (nocturia)
- Blood in semen
- Pain in the genital region and perineum
- General symptoms: Lower back pain, pain in the lower abdomen, and pain in the prostate
Symptoms of Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis (CNBP)
The symptoms of CNBP are almost the same as the symptoms of CBP, except for the absence of fever in CNBP. Also, another difference is no presence of bacteria is detected in the urine, prostatic fluid, or semen. The patient has symptoms of prostatitis but no evidence of bacteria or infection. Most of the cases of prostatitis fall under CNBP, yet it is least understood.
Diagnosis Of Prostatitis:
Several tests can be done to diagnose prostatitis. The symptoms of prostatitis may present as similar symptoms as those of other disease conditions, such as urinary tract infection, BPH, etc. So, it is important to differentiate the disease conditions and diagnose the condition accurately. The below tests help us in diagnosing the disease condition.
- Blood test (CBC)
- Urine routine or urinalysis to check for infection
- Urine culture to identify the bacteria responsible for the infection.
- A physical examination of the abdomen.
- A Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) is where the physician inserts a lubricated, gloved finger to feel the surface of the prostate through the wall of the rectum, to assess the size, shape, and consistency of the prostate.
- A Three-Part Urinalysis: This is a standard diagnostic test. In this test, two urine samples are collected and analyzed. Then, a prostate massage is given and a third urine sample is collected which contains prostatic fluid. However, prostate massage should be avoided if acute bacterial prostatitis is suspected as it can cause the spread of bacteria.

Non-bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed when there is no evidence of any bacteria in the urine or prostatic fluid. There is no specific test to diagnose Non-Bacterial Prostatitis, it is diagnosed after eliminating other causes, such as cystitis, kidney stones, etc.
PSA is a substance that is known to be produced by the prostate naturally. High levels of PSA in the blood are sometimes, but not always, an indication of prostate cancer. Thus, if the patient is having high levels of PSA and symptoms of prostatitis, the patient should be rechecked after completing the course of antibiotics.
Complications Of Prostatitis:
Complications of Acute Prostatitis are listed below:
- Chronic prostatitis
- Acute retention of urine
- Formation and collection of pus
- The spread of the infection into the bloodstream (Sepsis)
- Fertility may be affected as prostatic fluid is a constituent of semen and it also affects the ejaculation ability if it is enlarged and squeezes the urethra.
Conventional Treatment For Prostatitis:
Symptomatic relief from prostatitis is usually achieved with the conventional line of treatment. Here is how conventional treatment for prostatitis is provided.
- Conventional Treatment for Bacterial Prostatitis:
Bacterial prostatitis, whether it is acute or chronic, is usually treated with antibiotics and NSAIDs.
- Conventional Treatment for Non-bacterial Prostatitis & Painful Prostatitis: Non-bacterial prostatitis and cases where the pain is the prominent symptom are usually treated with painkillers (analgesics).
Some patients who present with constipation along with pain are prescribed stool softeners.
- Surgery For Prostatitis: Surgery is advised when the patient does not respond well to the medicines. Frequent urinary tract infections, stones in the bladder, and inability to urinate are a few complications that call for surgery. Surgical removal of a part of the prostrate and TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate) are the common options. Complete removal of Prostrate (Prostatectomy) is usually done in patients who suffer from severe symptoms and who do not respond to any of the above methods of treatment.
Supportive Treatment (Diet, Lifestyle, & Exercises) For Prostatitis:
A few guidelines suggested to patients suffering from prostatitis are listed below.

General Management Tips for Prostatitis:
Make sure you have a good intake of plenty of healthy fluids.
Avoid straining at stools and use of laxatives, unless and until it is required.
Have balanced fiber-rich meals.
Limit or avoid the intake of alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods.
Urinate at regular intervals.
If you're a cyclist who often does cycling, use a ‘split’ bicycle seat, as it reduces the pressure on your prostate.
Healthy Eating Tips for Prostatitis:
Aiming for a healthy eating pattern can help us to manage prostatitis. Here are some helpful tips.
- Ensure you have at least 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, particularly the ones with bright colours.
- Limit the consumption of red meat, beef, etc. Fish and eggs are more healthy and preferred sources of proteins.
- Avoid the intake of artificial sugars, sweeteners, and sweetened drinks as much as possible.
- Drink plenty of water as it is the best detoxicant for our body. But, avoid drinking more water after 6 pm.
Related Disease
- Benign prostate hyperplasia
- Prostate cancer
- Cystitis
- Renal Calculi
- Urethral Stricture