An 18 years old female, Miss E. S. (PIN NO - 11606) visited our centre for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was having this since past 10 years, which had spread rapidly in the past 2 years. She also had many hypertrophic lesions on the ankles, legs, back, abdomen, hands. It had started to spread on the wrists and neck. They would itch severely. She was on steroids (tab wysolone) since the past 1 month. She had taken many courses of these steroids in the past as well. But her symptoms never improved as much as she expected.

She had hair fall since the last 2 years. Her scalp would occasionally itch. She had desire for salty and sour things. She had profuse and generalized perspiration. She was a hot patient. There were no complaints in sleep or bowel habits. She was living with her father, mother and younger sister. She was studying in the 12th std. Her sister was studying in 7th std. Her mother was a housewife. Her father was a doctorate working in a pharmaceutical company.

She was irritable by nature. In anger she would occasionally hit her sister. She had the tendency to back answer to her mother. She did not like anybody contradicting her actions. She did not have many friends. There was sibling rivalry between the two sisters. She would feel jealous if anybody would appreciate her sister. She used to be competitive in all her work. Her father was suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes. Her uncle had Lichen Planus. She was prescribed Lachesis 200C and a research based medicine by Dr. Shah after a detailed case study.

In the first 3 months of treatment she responded very well to the medicines. Her complaints were better by 70%. There were no active lesion, but only hyperpigmented patches were present. Hair fall had shown considerable improvement. In the next few follow ups there were new eruptions appearing along with healing of old eruptions. Her case was reviewed and the medications were upgraded accordingly. As she had been on steroids for the past so many years, such upsurge of the disease was anticipated by Dr. Shah and adequately dealt with. Within the next few follow ups she reported remarkable improvement in all her complaints. There was no spread and the lesions healed up by 90%. She reported after 6 months with a mild flare up of the Lichen Planus. This time her complaints were completely cured within 4 months of regular treatment.
(Uploaded on 1st Oct 2011 by Dr. MNP)